Printech 2024: Benefits of Participating in the Exhibition

Book a stand at the 9th International Exhibition of Equipment, Technologies and Supplies for Print and Advertising Production.
For more than 8 years, the Printech International Exhibition has been an efficient business platform where leading Russian and foreign manufacturers and suppliers of equipment and materials for print, post-printing processing and making advertising structures meet their target audience that is willing to procure and profitably cooperate.

Participating in Printech 2024 is an opportunity to:
Find new channels of equipment and materials sales. In 2023, more than 2,500 professionals saw participants’ stands, which is by 37% more than in 2022. This is in addition to more than 30,000 visitors of the RosUpack Exhibition, who express their interest, e.g., in packaging printing equipment.
Strike up business acquaintances with the target audience. During the four days when the exhibition is held, its participants can meet both their existing partners and reach new customers. Printech is visited by top managers and experts of printing works, advertising and manufacturing companies, copy shops, label and packaging manufacturers, fabric and food processing industries, and souvenir gifts manufacturers.
Enter into lucrative cooperation contracts. Printech 2024 will have great commercial impact on the companies that participate in it, as the exhibition is held on the same site and during the same period as the largest International Exhibition for the Packaging Industry RosUpack. More than 28,000 experts of the related industry are an additional audience for Printech standholders.
Present your new products to the wide professional audience. Each Printech 2024 participant will have the opportunity to show their developments and groundbreaking technologies in 9 sections of the exhibition and have instant feedback of their product from the wide audience of experts. For more details of the sections where to present your company, please see >>>

Prove your status of a reliable manufacturer or supplier. Participation in Printech is sought after. Distinguish yourself from your competitors by bringing into focus the company’s expertise. Dozens of leading Russian and foreign manufacturers and suppliers take part in the exhibition every year.
Be wrapped up in the industry. An expert business programme is run at Printech on an annual basis. In 2023, the Forum of Printing and Advertising Industries was held. The Forum discussed such key topics as the printing business transformation and technological development under sanctions. To explore results of the 2023 business programme and obtain helpful experts’ presentations, please see.